BCC Buffet 2023 – speech of the president and photos

Good evening, Ladies and Gentlemen!
For those who don’t know, I am Chris, DL1MGB, and I am president of the Bavarian Contest Club. And tonight, I need glasses.
It is my great pleasure to welcome 233 visitors from 33 countries and 5 continents to the BCC Buffet 2023. This year, I am happy to welcome visitors from Germany and other European countries, and our widely travelled guests from Brazil, Japan, Oman, Philippines, United Arab Emirates, United States of America.
E21EIC and his nice young ladies from Thailand
EY8MM from Tajikistan
CX6VM from Uruguay
KH6TU, KH6YY and KH7U from Hawaii
VK2IA from Australia
ZL3CW from New Zealand
Over the past year, we have lost some of our good friends who cannot be with us anymore.
On May 18th, Ben DL6RAI, passed away after a tragic accident while doing tower work at his QTH on Aruba. Ben not only was one of the founding members of the Bavarian Contest Club, but also served as our president for 12 years. Besides his great contest skills in single- and multi-op activities, in CW, SSB or digital modes, on HF and VHF, he also was an excellent IT guy, great craftsman and a patient Elmer. Ready to help where help was needed.
To let Ben and all our other friends we have lost be with us in our memories, I kindly ask you to observe a minute of silence.
Thank You!
Some of you may have already noticed: The Bavarian Contest Club turned 40 this year. When celebrating such birthdays, it is always interesting to look back in history what happened since the day of birth. It is my great pleasure to hand over now to Dieter, DL8OH, former BCC president, to give us a short overview over the history of the BCC.
Thank you very much, Dieter!
This is a good opportunity for me to thank a bunch of people who keep this Bavarian Contest Club running.
- First, a great thank you to Luise, DL2MLU, and her team for organizing the BCC Buffet at this location.
- Please, also give a hand to the crew of the VfB Stadiongaststätte for taking very good care of us tonight.
- Many thanks to the volunteers at the BCC booth, organized by Robby, DM6DX.
- To Andy, DB8NI, for all the invisible details around the booth (and also the sound in here).
- To Helmut, DK6WL, organizing the Contest Forum.
- To Matthias, DK4YJ, and his team producing a new edition of the BCC Pile-Up competition.
- And many thanks to the ladies and gentlemen I work with throughout the year on the BCC board:
- DL3DXX the IT guy behind the WABCC award
- DL6MHW the award manager of the WABCC
- DJ5CW Website / Mailing lists
- DL2JRM QSO-Parties / QSL-Manager of DA0BCC
- The operators of DA0BCC,
- DC6RI Merchandising
- DK2AT / DD1MAT / DJ0ZY Our Contest Managers
- DJ5MW Master of Finances and Memberships
- DL8DYL / DF9XV Newsletter, PR, Website, Fotos, and so much more.
- Thanks to Ben, DL6RAI, for being my predecessor, my Elmer in contesting and IT and adviser for this and that.
- Thanks to Dieter, DL8OH, though a retired BCC president for x years now, still willing to help out where I need help.
- And finally, a big thank you to my wife Anja, DO2WW, for supporting me for 20 years now in my crazy hobby!
Thank You!
Some minutes ago, we learned from DL8OH where the BCC came from, how it was founded and what the BCC and its members already achieved together. We are very proud of these achievements. Though they are already lying in the past and we must not rest on them, it is good to know the roots and what makes the BCC so unique and successful.
Back in the good old days, there were quite a lot of young guys in the BCC. They had crazy ideas, turned them into reality and were quite successful. But always with a doubtful look from the old timers.
Nowadays, the young got old, only a few youngsters are following. Most of the new members who join the BCC, already built a house, started a family and/or the kids are grown up. So in my opinion, the young and carefree spirit has gone over the years. For the future, of course, I want to see more younger people in the BCC. But even if we don’t get younger on paper, we should be getting younger and staying young in our minds.
Not resting on the old achievements combined with the young mindset, these are good basics for new BCC adventures, may they be called Europe or World records 😉
Anyway, we are the most successful when we have fun in what we are doing.
So, in the name of the BCC I wish you a lot of fun, a great evening, nice talks and enjoy the buffet. Which I hereby declare opened!