BCC MS-Contest 2016 – Ergebnisse

This year we had nearly the same conditions at 12th and 13th of December with a little bit more activity at monday, 12th December. 2 friends told me about a QRM of S3 to S5 around their QTH and it was not possible, to receive short bursts as the years before. We hope, that the QRM situation will not be worse the next years on 2m?
Congrats to the winners YU7PAA and YL2AO!
Our team has participated again in BBC MS contest this year. It was nice working in the competition although there were less participants then last year.
Some photos can be found at: http://www.yt7c.org.rs/Galerija/bcc16yu7paa/index.htm
Also, you can see results of all previous BCC MS contests on: http://www.yt7c.org.rs/Galerija/bccmsall/index.htm
Team: YT5M Vasa, YU7MS Miska, YU7PS Pali, YU7KB Bane, YU7ON Zoran, YT7AC Stanko, YU7PAA Ilija.
Thanks each and every one for nice QSOs, see you next year.
Happy New Year.