40 Years BCC: Frequent Contester 2023 – Rules

The BCC is celebrating its 40th anniversary. In the anniversary year we want to win all club competitions of the big contests! This is only possibleif as many members as possible take part and submit thier points for the BCC. After all, winning the CQWW club competition was the main reason for founding the BCC.
The goal is to reach 5,000,000 points (claimed scores of the contest organizers) over the course of this year.
For 2023, 11 contests will be counted – the respective level of difficulty will be taken into account by adding multipliers.
CQWW 160m (CW, SSB; multiply score by 6)
CW – end of January
SSB – end of February
CQWW WPX RTTY (multiply score by 1)
Second weekend in February
CQWW WPX (CW, SSB; multiply score by 1)
SSB – end of March
CW – end of May
WAEDC (CW, SSB, RTTY; multiply score by 3)
CW – second weekend in August
SSB – second weekend in September
RTTY – second weekend in November
CQWW RTTY (multiply score by 3)
Last weekend in September
CQWW (CW, SSB; multiply score by 3)
SSB – last weekend in October
CW – last weekend in November
Active and Frequent Contester 2023: List of contests
The claimed scores for the BCC will be counted. On Single-Op Activities the full points are counted, on Multi-Op activities the respective parts (claimed score divided by number of operators) are counted. This calculation will be done regardless of wether all points or only partial points are submitted for the BCC.
If you want to become a “Frequent Contester Hero” you have take part in all of these 11 contests, work at least 100 QSOs (or QSos+QTCs in the WAEDC, Multi-Op: each OP=100 QSOs/QTCs) and reach at least 5 million points.
For the first overview, the contest managers evaluate the summary files sent to the reflector or to contest@bavarian-contest-club.de. After publication of the raw results by the respective contest organizer, the points are compared. If you have forgotten to enter the contest club, you must contact the contest organizer yourself for a possible correction. The results will be published on the BCC mailing list or on the BCC website.
All “Frequent Contesters” with at least 5 million points will receive a Frequent Contester T-shirt. They will also take part in a drawing of interesting prizes during the HL3K meeting (prizes will be announced throughout the year). If someone has already earned an Active Contester t-shirt, it will now be replaced by the Frequent Contester T-shirt.
If you want to become a “Frequent Contester Hero” in 2023, you must have at least 100 QSOs in all 11 contests (or in the WAEs 100 QSOs including QTCs, in the case of multi-ops at least 100 QSOs/QTCs per OP, i.e. QSOs through Ops ≥ 100) in addition to the 5 million points. Then you will receive a special Frequent Contester Hero T-shirt instead of the Frequent Contester T-shirt. In this case, no hero plaques will be awarded in 2023.
If you attended one of the BCC QSO Parties, we know your t-shirt size. Otherwise, you will be asked at the end of the year (details will follow).
We hope to hear and work with you on the bands as often as possible. This increases the chance for everyone to achieve our anniversary award WABCC40.
If you have any questions – please send an e-mail to our Contest Managers contest@bavarian-contest-club.de.