40 Years BCC: The WABCC40 Award

On the occasion of its 40th anniversary, the Bavarian Contest Club (BCC) is issuing the WABCC40 (Worked All BCC Members) award from January 1, 2023, to December 31, 2023. Radio amateurs and shortwave listeners worldwide can apply for it, provided the necessary radio contacts with members of the BCC have been logged.
- A contact with a BCC member counts one point. Each BCC member can be counted once with his personally assigned callsign. This includes both the own call at home and activities abroad with a CEPT license (e.g., MM/DL6MHW) or a personal foreign call sign (e.g., Z68XX for DL2JRM). Even if the callsign changes, the member is only counted once.
- The score results from the number of different BCC members. A contact with the special event station DA0BCC is mandatory and counts one point as well. This callsign will be activated in all major contests by BCC members throughout the period.
- To obtain the basic award, 40 points (including the obligatory contact with DA0BCC) are required – regardless of bands or modes. Stickers can be applied for 80 and then for each additional 20 members. There are no band or mode stickers.
- The award can be applied for in the DARC Community Logbook (DCL) at https://dcl.darc.de. A list of members and valid callsigns, as well as an up-to-date list of awards and stickers issued, will be available there.
- The award is free of charge. Only registration with the DCL is required.
- The award is 210 x 297 mm (DIN A4) in size and is provided as a PDF for download and self-printing.
- Questions about the diploma as well as changes to the callsign list are to be communicated to the award manager Michael, DL6MHW, at wabcc40@bavarian-contest-club.de.
- Applications can be submitted by December 31, 2024 at the latest.